Bad News

I suppose that some of you may be able to figure out who this blog entry is (in part) about.  I can’t do anything about that, but if you do figure it out just leave her alone.  Seriously.  Fuck.

A HIM fan has been doing a fair amount of, let’s diplomatically call it extreme lamenting recently on social media.  Why?

Lazarus.  That’s why.

This fucko son of a bitch motherfucker is still at his idiot game some 5 years later (!) and he’s probably got a major, major hard on over the fact that because of him and his stupid “Ville Valo games”, a really vulnerable person spent Christmas Eve and Christmas Day telling social media that recent, uh, let’s call them self-induced potentially mortality affecting events were provoked by this sick bastard’s dismissal of her (online, no less).  🙄 This person went on to claim that this person is Ville Valo.  This person went on to lament that continued dismissal by “Ville Valo” made them want to possibly reenact recent, uh, self-induced potentially mortality affecting events.

I know at least one of the undoubtedly many fake name profile this asshole hides behind now (on Facebook), and most of the idiots who simper over his page currently  are the same gullible lot that were doing it 5 years ago.  One does not know whether to laugh or cry.  This is the profile which this person believes to be “Ville Valo.”

The freak also changed his twitter handle from @huoripukki to @huripukki.  Was that supposed to have made him hard to find?  🤔


I KNOW that it’s the same creep.  He uses the exact same arrogant, smart-ass, sickening, swaggering, dick-swinging syntax.  It is very specific to him.  I’m not sure which he is more of – sick, or sickening.

I quit giving a fuck about this whole stupid scene years ago but stuff still rolls across my feed and when you’re fucking with a vulnerable and mentally ill person at Christmas that’s just…  wow.

Words fail.

I wish that somebody would figure out who this piece of shit is and clobber the stupid teeth out of his idiot head.


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